Several node kinds share function-like features such as a signature, a name, and a body. These nodes should extend FunctionLikeDeclaration. Examples: FunctionDeclaration MethodDeclaration AccessorDeclaration
Represents an immutable snapshot of a script at a specified time.Once acquired, the snapshot is observably immutable. i.e. the same calls with the same parameters will return the same values.
- CancellationTokenObject
- ClassificationTypeNames
- OperationCanceledException
- ScriptElementKind
- ScriptElementKindModifier
- TextChange
- TextChangeRange
- TextSpan
- AccessorDeclaration
- ArrayLiteralExpression
- ArrayTypeNode
- BinaryExpression
- Block
- BreakOrContinueStatement
- CallExpression
- CancellationToken
- CaseClause
- CatchClause
- ClassDeclaration
- ClassElement
- ClassificationInfo
- ClassificationResult
- ClassifiedSpan
- Classifier
- CommandLineOption
- CommentRange
- CompilerHost
- CompilerOptions
- CompletionEntry
- CompletionEntryDetails
- CompletionInfo
- ComputedPropertyName
- ConditionalExpression
- ConstructorDeclaration
- Declaration
- DefaultClause
- DefinitionInfo
- DeleteExpression
- Diagnostic
- DiagnosticMessage
- DiagnosticMessageChain
- DisplayPartsSymbolWriter
- DocumentRegistry
- DoStatement
- EditorOptions
- ElementAccessExpression
- EmitOutput
- EmitResolver
- EmitResult
- EnumDeclaration
- EnumMember
- ExportAssignment
- Expression
- ExpressionStatement
- ExternalModuleReference
- FileReference
- ForInStatement
- FormatCodeOptions
- ForStatement
- FunctionDeclaration
- FunctionExpression
- FunctionLikeDeclaration
- FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode
- GenericType
- HeritageClause
- Identifier
- IfStatement
- ImportDeclaration
- IndexSignatureDeclaration
- InferenceContext
- InterfaceDeclaration
- InterfaceType
- IntrinsicType
- IScriptSnapshot
- IterationStatement
- LabeledStatement
- LanguageService
- LanguageServiceHost
- LeftHandSideExpression
- LineAndCharacter
- LiteralExpression
- Logger
- Map
- MemberExpression
- MethodDeclaration
- ModifiersArray
- ModuleBlock
- ModuleDeclaration
- ModuleElement
- NavigateToItem
- NavigationBarItem
- Node
- NodeArray
- NodeLinks
- ObjectLiteralElement
- ObjectLiteralExpression
- OutliningSpan
- OutputFile
- ParameterDeclaration
- ParenthesizedExpression
- ParenthesizedTypeNode
- ParsedCommandLine
- PostfixExpression
- PostfixUnaryExpression
- PrefixUnaryExpression
- PreProcessedFileInfo
- PrimaryExpression
- Program
- PropertyAccessExpression
- PropertyAssignment
- PropertyDeclaration
- QualifiedName
- QuickInfo
- ReferenceEntry
- RenameInfo
- RenameLocation
- ResolvedType
- ReturnStatement
- Scanner
- ShorthandPropertyAssignment
- Signature
- SignatureDeclaration
- SignatureHelpItem
- SignatureHelpItems
- SignatureHelpParameter
- SourceFile
- SourceMapData
- SourceMapSpan
- Statement
- StringLiteralExpression
- StringLiteralType
- SwitchStatement
- Symbol
- SymbolAccessiblityResult
- SymbolDisplayBuilder
- SymbolDisplayPart
- SymbolLinks
- SymbolTable
- SymbolVisibilityResult
- SymbolWriter
- TaggedTemplateExpression
- TemplateExpression
- TemplateSpan
- TextRange
- ThrowStatement
- TodoComment
- TodoCommentDescriptor
- TryStatement
- TupleType
- TupleTypeNode
- Type
- TypeAliasDeclaration
- TypeAssertion
- TypeChecker
- TypeInferences
- TypeLiteralNode
- TypeNode
- TypeOfExpression
- TypeParameter
- TypeParameterDeclaration
- TypeQueryNode
- TypeReference
- TypeReferenceNode
- UnaryExpression
- UnionType
- UnionTypeNode
- VariableDeclaration
- VariableStatement
- VoidExpression
- WhileStatement
- WithStatement
- YieldExpression
Name | Type |
text |
string |
SM createClassifier(host: ts.Logger) ts.Classifier
SM createCompilerHost(options: ts.CompilerOptions) ts.CompilerHost
SM createDocumentRegistry() ts.DocumentRegistry
SM createLanguageService(host: ts.LanguageServiceHost, documentRegistry: ts.DocumentRegistry) ts.LanguageService
Name | Type |
host |
ts.LanguageServiceHost |
documentRegistry |
ts.DocumentRegistry |
SM createProgram(rootNames: string[], options: ts.CompilerOptions, host: ts.CompilerHost) ts.Program
Name | Type |
rootNames |
Array.<string> |
options |
ts.CompilerOptions |
host |
ts.CompilerHost |
SM createScanner(languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget, skipTrivia: boolean, text: string, onError: ts.ErrorCallback) ts.Scanner
Name | Type | Argument |
languageVersion |
ts.ScriptTarget | |
skipTrivia |
boolean | |
text |
string |
<optional> |
onError |
ts.ErrorCallback |
<optional> |
SM createSourceFile(filename: string, sourceText: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget, version: string, isOpen: boolean) ts.SourceFile
Name | Type | Argument |
filename |
string | |
sourceText |
string | |
languageVersion |
ts.ScriptTarget | |
version |
string | |
isOpen |
boolean |
<optional> |
SM createTypeChecker(program: ts.Program, fullTypeCheck: boolean) ts.TypeChecker
SM displayPartsToString(displayParts: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]) string
SM forEachChild<T>(node: ts.Node, cbNode: ts.ForEachChildCbNodeCallback, cbNodes: ts.ForEachChildCbNodesCallback) T
Name | Type | Argument |
node |
ts.Node | |
cbNode |
ts.ForEachChildCbNodeCallback | |
cbNodes |
ts.ForEachChildCbNodesCallback |
<optional> |
SM getDefaultCompilerOptions() ts.CompilerOptions
SM getLeadingCommentRanges(text: string, pos: number) ts.CommentRange[]
SM getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lineStarts: number[], position: number) ts.GetLineAndCharacterOfPositionReturnsType
Name | Type |
lineStarts |
Array.<number> |
position |
number |
SM getNodeConstructor(kind: ts.SyntaxKind) ts.GetNodeConstructorReturnsCallback
Name | Type |
lineStarts |
Array.<number> |
line |
number |
character |
number |
SM getTrailingCommentRanges(text: string, pos: number) ts.CommentRange[]
SM isIdentifierPart(ch: number, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) boolean
SM isIdentifierStart(ch: number, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) boolean
SM positionToLineAndCharacter(text: string, pos: number) ts.PositionToLineAndCharacterReturnsType
SM preProcessFile(sourceText: string, readImportFiles: boolean) ts.PreProcessedFileInfo
Name | Type | Argument |
sourceText |
string | |
readImportFiles |
boolean |
<optional> |
Name | Type | Argument |
text |
string | |
pos |
number | |
stopAfterLineBreak |
boolean |
<optional> |
SM tokenToString(t: ts.SyntaxKind) string
- Properties:
Name Default nullCharacter
0 maxAsciiCharacter
127 lineFeed
10 carriageReturn
13 lineSeparator
8232 paragraphSeparator
8233 nextLine
133 space
32 nonBreakingSpace
160 enQuad
8192 emQuad
8193 enSpace
8194 emSpace
8195 threePerEmSpace
8196 fourPerEmSpace
8197 sixPerEmSpace
8198 figureSpace
8199 punctuationSpace
8200 thinSpace
8201 hairSpace
8202 zeroWidthSpace
8203 narrowNoBreakSpace
8239 ideographicSpace
12288 mathematicalSpace
8287 ogham
5760 _
95 $
36 _0
48 _1
49 _2
50 _3
51 _4
52 _5
53 _6
54 _7
55 _8
56 _9
57 a
97 b
98 c
99 d
100 e
101 f
102 g
103 h
104 i
105 j
106 k
107 l
108 m
109 n
110 o
111 p
112 q
113 r
114 s
115 t
116 u
117 v
118 w
119 x
120 y
121 z
122 A
65 B
66 C
67 D
68 E
69 F
70 G
71 H
72 I
73 J
74 K
75 L
76 M
77 N
78 O
79 P
80 Q
81 R
82 S
83 T
84 U
85 V
86 W
87 X
88 Y
89 Z
90 ampersand
38 asterisk
42 at
64 backslash
92 backtick
96 bar
124 caret
94 closeBrace
125 closeBracket
93 closeParen
41 colon
58 comma
44 dot
46 doubleQuote
34 equals
61 exclamation
33 greaterThan
62 lessThan
60 minus
45 openBrace
123 openBracket
91 openParen
40 percent
37 plus
43 question
63 semicolon
59 singleQuote
39 slash
47 tilde
126 backspace
8 formFeed
12 byteOrderMark
65279 tab
9 verticalTab
- Properties:
Name Default Succeeded
0 AllOutputGenerationSkipped
1 JSGeneratedWithSemanticErrors
2 DeclarationGenerationSkipped
3 EmitErrorsEncountered
4 CompilerOptionsErrors
- Properties:
Name Default Start
0 InMultiLineCommentTrivia
1 InSingleQuoteStringLiteral
2 InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral
- Properties:
Name Default TypeChecked
1 LexicalThis
2 CaptureThis
4 EmitExtends
8 SuperInstance
16 SuperStatic
32 ContextChecked
64 EnumValuesComputed
- Properties:
Name Default Export
1 Ambient
2 Public
16 Private
32 Protected
64 Static
128 MultiLine
256 Synthetic
512 DeclarationFile
1024 Let
2048 Const
4096 OctalLiteral
8192 Modifier
243 AccessibilityModifier
112 BlockScoped
- Properties:
Name Default StrictMode
1 DisallowIn
2 Yield
4 GeneratorParameter
8 ContainsError
16 HasPropagatedChildContainsErrorFlag
- Properties:
Name Default aliasName
0 className
1 enumName
2 fieldName
3 interfaceName
4 keyword
5 lineBreak
6 numericLiteral
7 stringLiteral
8 localName
9 methodName
10 moduleName
11 operator
12 parameterName
13 propertyName
14 punctuation
15 space
16 text
17 typeParameterName
18 enumMemberName
19 functionName
20 regularExpressionLiteral
- Properties:
Name Default FunctionScopedVariable
1 BlockScopedVariable
2 Property
4 EnumMember
8 Function
16 Class
32 Interface
64 ConstEnum
128 RegularEnum
256 ValueModule
512 NamespaceModule
1024 TypeLiteral
2048 ObjectLiteral
4096 Method
8192 Constructor
16384 GetAccessor
32768 SetAccessor
65536 CallSignature
131072 ConstructSignature
262144 IndexSignature
524288 TypeParameter
1048576 TypeAlias
2097152 ExportValue
4194304 ExportType
8388608 ExportNamespace
16777216 Import
33554432 Instantiated
67108864 Merged
134217728 Transient
268435456 Prototype
536870912 UnionProperty
1073741824 Enum
384 Variable
3 Value
107455 Type
3152352 Namespace
1536 Module
1536 Accessor
98304 Signature
917504 FunctionScopedVariableExcludes
107454 BlockScopedVariableExcludes
107455 ParameterExcludes
107455 PropertyExcludes
107455 EnumMemberExcludes
107455 FunctionExcludes
106927 ClassExcludes
3258879 InterfaceExcludes
3152288 RegularEnumExcludes
3258623 ConstEnumExcludes
3259263 ValueModuleExcludes
106639 NamespaceModuleExcludes
0 MethodExcludes
99263 GetAccessorExcludes
41919 SetAccessorExcludes
74687 TypeParameterExcludes
2103776 TypeAliasExcludes
3152352 ImportExcludes
33554432 ModuleMember
35653619 ExportHasLocal
944 HasLocals
1041936 HasExports
1952 HasMembers
6240 IsContainer
1048560 PropertyOrAccessor
98308 Export
- Properties:
Name Default None
0 WriteTypeParametersOrArguments
1 UseOnlyExternalAliasing
- Properties:
Name Default Unknown
0 EndOfFileToken
1 SingleLineCommentTrivia
2 MultiLineCommentTrivia
3 NewLineTrivia
4 WhitespaceTrivia
5 NumericLiteral
6 StringLiteral
7 RegularExpressionLiteral
8 NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
9 TemplateHead
10 TemplateMiddle
11 TemplateTail
12 OpenBraceToken
13 CloseBraceToken
14 OpenParenToken
15 CloseParenToken
16 OpenBracketToken
17 CloseBracketToken
18 DotToken
19 DotDotDotToken
20 SemicolonToken
21 CommaToken
22 LessThanToken
23 GreaterThanToken
24 LessThanEqualsToken
25 GreaterThanEqualsToken
26 EqualsEqualsToken
27 ExclamationEqualsToken
28 EqualsEqualsEqualsToken
29 ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken
30 EqualsGreaterThanToken
31 PlusToken
32 MinusToken
33 AsteriskToken
34 SlashToken
35 PercentToken
36 PlusPlusToken
37 MinusMinusToken
38 LessThanLessThanToken
39 GreaterThanGreaterThanToken
40 GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken
41 AmpersandToken
42 BarToken
43 CaretToken
44 ExclamationToken
45 TildeToken
46 AmpersandAmpersandToken
47 BarBarToken
48 QuestionToken
49 ColonToken
50 EqualsToken
51 PlusEqualsToken
52 MinusEqualsToken
53 AsteriskEqualsToken
54 SlashEqualsToken
55 PercentEqualsToken
56 LessThanLessThanEqualsToken
57 GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
58 GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
59 AmpersandEqualsToken
60 BarEqualsToken
61 CaretEqualsToken
62 Identifier
63 BreakKeyword
64 CaseKeyword
65 CatchKeyword
66 ClassKeyword
67 ConstKeyword
68 ContinueKeyword
69 DebuggerKeyword
70 DefaultKeyword
71 DeleteKeyword
72 DoKeyword
73 ElseKeyword
74 EnumKeyword
75 ExportKeyword
76 ExtendsKeyword
77 FalseKeyword
78 FinallyKeyword
79 ForKeyword
80 FunctionKeyword
81 IfKeyword
82 ImportKeyword
83 InKeyword
84 InstanceOfKeyword
85 NewKeyword
86 NullKeyword
87 ReturnKeyword
88 SuperKeyword
89 SwitchKeyword
90 ThisKeyword
91 ThrowKeyword
92 TrueKeyword
93 TryKeyword
94 TypeOfKeyword
95 VarKeyword
96 VoidKeyword
97 WhileKeyword
98 WithKeyword
99 ImplementsKeyword
100 InterfaceKeyword
101 LetKeyword
102 PackageKeyword
103 PrivateKeyword
104 ProtectedKeyword
105 PublicKeyword
106 StaticKeyword
107 YieldKeyword
108 AnyKeyword
109 BooleanKeyword
110 ConstructorKeyword
111 DeclareKeyword
112 GetKeyword
113 ModuleKeyword
114 RequireKeyword
115 NumberKeyword
116 SetKeyword
117 StringKeyword
118 TypeKeyword
119 QualifiedName
120 ComputedPropertyName
121 TypeParameter
122 Parameter
123 Property
124 Method
125 Constructor
126 GetAccessor
127 SetAccessor
128 CallSignature
129 ConstructSignature
130 IndexSignature
131 TypeReference
132 FunctionType
133 ConstructorType
134 TypeQuery
135 TypeLiteral
136 ArrayType
137 TupleType
138 UnionType
139 ParenthesizedType
140 ArrayLiteralExpression
141 ObjectLiteralExpression
142 PropertyAccessExpression
143 ElementAccessExpression
144 CallExpression
145 NewExpression
146 TaggedTemplateExpression
147 TypeAssertionExpression
148 ParenthesizedExpression
149 FunctionExpression
150 ArrowFunction
151 DeleteExpression
152 TypeOfExpression
153 VoidExpression
154 PrefixUnaryExpression
155 PostfixUnaryExpression
156 BinaryExpression
157 ConditionalExpression
158 TemplateExpression
159 YieldExpression
160 OmittedExpression
161 TemplateSpan
162 Block
163 VariableStatement
164 EmptyStatement
165 ExpressionStatement
166 IfStatement
167 DoStatement
168 WhileStatement
169 ForStatement
170 ForInStatement
171 ContinueStatement
172 BreakStatement
173 ReturnStatement
174 WithStatement
175 SwitchStatement
176 LabeledStatement
177 ThrowStatement
178 TryStatement
179 TryBlock
180 FinallyBlock
181 DebuggerStatement
182 VariableDeclaration
183 FunctionDeclaration
184 ClassDeclaration
185 InterfaceDeclaration
186 TypeAliasDeclaration
187 EnumDeclaration
188 ModuleDeclaration
189 ModuleBlock
190 ImportDeclaration
191 ExportAssignment
192 ExternalModuleReference
193 CaseClause
194 DefaultClause
195 HeritageClause
196 CatchClause
197 PropertyAssignment
198 ShorthandPropertyAssignment
199 EnumMember
200 SourceFile
201 Program
202 SyntaxList
203 Count
204 FirstAssignment
51 LastAssignment
62 FirstReservedWord
64 LastReservedWord
99 FirstKeyword
64 LastKeyword
119 FirstFutureReservedWord
100 LastFutureReservedWord
108 FirstTypeNode
132 LastTypeNode
140 FirstPunctuation
13 LastPunctuation
62 FirstToken
0 LastToken
119 FirstTriviaToken
2 LastTriviaToken
5 FirstLiteralToken
6 LastLiteralToken
9 FirstTemplateToken
9 LastTemplateToken
12 FirstOperator
21 LastOperator
62 FirstBinaryOperator
23 LastBinaryOperator
62 FirstNode
- Properties:
Name Default Punctuation
0 Keyword
1 Operator
2 Comment
3 Whitespace
4 Identifier
5 NumberLiteral
6 StringLiteral
7 RegExpLiteral
- Properties:
Name Default Any
1 String
2 Number
4 Boolean
8 Void
16 Undefined
32 Null
64 Enum
128 StringLiteral
256 TypeParameter
512 Class
1024 Interface
2048 Reference
4096 Tuple
8192 Union
16384 Anonymous
32768 FromSignature
65536 Intrinsic
127 StringLike
258 NumberLike
132 ObjectType
- Properties:
Name Default None
0 WriteArrayAsGenericType
1 UseTypeOfFunction
2 NoTruncation
4 WriteArrowStyleSignature
8 WriteOwnNameForAnyLike
16 WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature
32 InElementType
Name | Type |
pos |
number |
end |
number |
ErrorCallback(message: ts.DiagnosticMessage) void
ForEachChildCbNodesCallback(nodes: ts.Node[]) T
Type Definitions
- Object
- Properties:
Name Type line
number character
- Object
- Properties:
Name Type line
number character